Patient´s rights and duties

Patient Rights

  1. Receive dignified, kind and respectful treatment at all times.
  2. Know the identity of the doctor and nurse who will be your principle guides throughout the entire treatment. They will be responsible for giving the patient all the information they may need. Nevertheless, all doctors on the team will see the patient at some point during their treatment.
  3. Receive adequate, understandable, and verified information regarding the patient´s own health. Know the proposed medical treatments, the risks and benefits of each treatment and the alternatives of not being treated. Finally, the patient has the right to know their diagnosis and prognosis.
  4. Receive clear and understandable information concerning treatments, surgical procedures, diagnostic testing that entail risks before obtaining the patient’s written informed consent.
  5. All patient inquiries should be answered promptly and in a reasonable manner within the possibilities and regulations of the clinic. The patient care department will be in charge of processing the patient´s suggestions, verbal complaints and written complaints.
  6. Request a copy of the clinical history through written inquiry made to the patient care department. The patient or a person authorized may make the inquiry.
  7. All patient information including health information as well as medical history and treatment are respected through absolute privacy.
  8. All patients can decide between the different options presented to them by their doctor and as a direct result, the patient will give their written informed consent for all surgical procedures.
  9. Patients may revoke treatment through a written informed consent.
  10. Patients may discontinue treatment any time the patient wishes.

Patient Responsibilities

  1. Facilitate correct data regarding their physical health, as well as collaborating in obtaining this information.
  2. Follow all instructions given by the doctors and nurses during the patient´s entire treatment.
  3. Provide all documentation and diagnostic testing ordered within the indicated dates.
  4. Consult with a nurse or physician before changing any medication.
  5. Maintain the nurses constantly informed regarding their health.
  6. Maintain due respect concerning the rules established at the clinic as well as the staff that is providing patient care.
  7. Sign all necessary consents for the proposed treatment as well as the budget proposed for such treatment.
  8. Collaborate in the maintenance of the facilities.
  9. Fulfill the administrative rules and regulations in the use and access of the medical healthcare services.
  10. Be informed at all times of the economic cost derived by all the diagnostic tests and treatments.
  11. Consult any doubt, may it be administrative or medical with the correct staff member.